What Is Education For Life?
D. Carnevale, Education department recommends scrapping limit on distance education, "Chronicle of Higher Education" 2005, no.51 . the entity lacks accreditation by a recognized accrediting agency10. an organization claiming to be an institution of higher learning but existing for profit only and granting degrees without demanding proper qualifications of the recipients. Businesses If you hire someone who uses fake, fraudulent credentials to qualify for employment, your business may be at risk for liabilities and the economy Best aesthetic clinic Singapore and labour market are negatively impacted. Some reputable schools may be in different stages of earning their accreditation. That’s a lot of scratch for a scrap of paper worth only the cost of typesetting.To wit, CNN Money says that the diploma mill game is a $200-million-a-year industry. That’s a lot of scratch for a scrap of paper worth only the cost of typesetting. How many diploma mill “students” enroll because the...